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Bondmason Erfahrungen (UK)  
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 21.12.2016, 08:56    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen Antworten mit Zitat

Meines Erachtens ein (Anzeige-)Fehler. Das was Dir lt. Deinem Screenshot zum Abheben angeboten wird entspricht genau Deinem Capital deployed. Das macht aber keinen Sinn. Support fragen.
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 21.12.2016, 09:09    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen Antworten mit Zitat

Mein Bondmason* Stand nach 3 Monaten:

Im Moment zu 97% investiert - passt.
Im Dezember ist nicht viel passiert - seit dem 09.12. kam nur ein neuer Kredit gestern dazu. Im Gegensatz zu den Vormonaten wurden auch fast keine Kredite vorzeitig getilgt

Die selbst berechnete Rendite (XIRR) für Bondmason* sieht bei mir so aus:
+ nur schon bezahlte, erhaltene Zinsen: 3,1%
+ unter Berücksichtigung auch der aufgelaufenen Zinsen: 6,2%
beides jeweils unter Berücksichtigung der Gebühr. Ich gehe davon aus, dass beide Werte weiter steigen, wenn mein Portfolio älter wird.

Meine Kredite laufen weiterhin alle nach Plan. Die 'Your Current Return Anzeige' in meinem Bondmason* Dashboard zeigt aktuell 9,22%.
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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BeitragVerfasst am: 21.12.2016, 09:28    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen Antworten mit Zitat

Ja danke, hatte ich mittlerweile auch gesehen. Ich weiß nur nicht, was das im Withdrawal zu suchen hat. Sie bieten dort ja quasi die Auflösung des Kontos an, obwohl ich ja noch Guthaben habe, welches ich abheben könnte, ohne unter die 1000£ zu geraten.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 28.12.2016, 14:42    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen Antworten mit Zitat

Ich habe nun meinen Account dort liquidiert. Das ging wirklich ratzfatz innerhalb eines Tages.

Nur mit dem Withdrawal dauert es etwas. Enerseits wegen der freien Tage natürlich, aber auch, weil ich ja kein UK-Konto habe. Ich habe denen per Email meine Bankdaten übermittelt und mal zaghaft angefragt, ob das per Transferwise* oder Currencyfair* machbar wäre. Da arbeiten sie noch dran.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 31.12.2016, 09:20    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen Antworten mit Zitat

Gestern Abend nun endlich kam die Bestätigung, daß das Geld an TW raus ist. Drolligerweise steht der Betrag aber immer noch als Cashbestand auf dem Konto. Shocked
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 17.01.2017, 23:04    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen Antworten mit Zitat

Ich habe heute mal wieder reingeschaut: Aktuell werden 5 (!) Invoice Discounting Kredite in meinem Bondmason* Portfolio als Default angezeigt.
Hoffe dass das ein Bug ist oder dass das Geld wieder eingetrieben wird.
Falls diese Kredite tatsächlich ganz oder teilweise abzuschreiben wären, würde der Ausfall jegliche positive Rendite ausradieren (sind 5 von 59).

Schaun wir mal.
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 08.02.2017, 20:11    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen Antworten mit Zitat

Aktuell ist mein Geld bei Bondmason* weiter fast voll investiert.
Derzeit noch 3 Invoice Discounting Kredite überfällig.
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 10.04.2017, 22:01    Titel: Das Ende für mein Bondmason Testportfolio Antworten mit Zitat

Diese Änderungen werden das Ende für mein Bondmason* Testportfolio bedeuten


Changes to the BondMason* Terms & Conditions
We have been delighted with the support we have received from our clients over the last two years and we would like to thank you for your custom. We are making a few changes to our Terms and Conditions to enable our clients to continue to access attractive returns from a diverse and exclusive range of lending partners.

As we aim to be transparent, we are providing advance notice of the changes, prior to these being effective from 31 May 2017:

Revised account and transaction limits

Minimum account balance: £5,000
Minimum deposit amount: £250
Minimum withdrawal amount: £20

Revised fee structure

1.5% p.a. on investment amounts up to £25,000
1.25% p.a. on investment amounts from £25,001 to £100,000
1.0% p.a. on all invested amounts over £100,000

Accessing exclusive lending opportunities
These changes are essential for us to continue to deliver first-class customer service, and allow our dedicated investment team to remain focused on sourcing the best quality loans.

We now source over 40% of our loans from outside of P2P Lending platforms due to the attractive opportunities available from proven lending companies. This involves building new and exclusive relationships with specialist lenders. These relationships require bespoke legal agreements, and a dedicated operational infrastructure.

Our revised fee structure will enable us to focus on developing more of these relationships, which will benefit all our clients by providing access to attractive risk-adjusted returns from loans that would not otherwise be available.
Targeting gross returns of 8% p.a.
We remain committed to enabling clients to achieve gross returns of 8.0%+ pa. Since starting in 2015, our clients have achieved an average gross return in excess of 8.0% p.a. in each of 2015, 2016 and 2017 to date.

We’ve identified that clients with larger balances have less volatile returns and are more likely to achieve investment performance in line with the target return. We want all of our clients to have a fantastic investment experience through BondMason, and for this reason we are increasing the minimum account balance to £5,000.

The revised fee structure means that the return target after fees will be close to the original net target of 7.0% p.a.:
Client balance Gross target Net target
Old New Old New
£10,000 8.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.5%
£25,000 8.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.5%
£50,000 8.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.6%
£100,000 8.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.7%
£250,000 8.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.9%
Your options if your account balance is less than £5,000
We value your custom and hope that you will remain with BondMason. Here’s an overview of the options available to you.

Option 1: Increase your balance: If you would like to retain your account with us, you are invited to deposit further funds to bring your balance up to £5,000. The deadline for increasing your balance to the new minimum amount is Monday 31st July 2017

Option 2: Liquidate: if you would prefer to liquidate your positions and withdraw your funds, then we can arrange this for you. You can do this any time up to 31 July 2017. Please contact us at invest@bondmason, or use the normal withdrawal process from your dashboard.

Option 3: Run-off: Clients with balances below £5,000 can also choose to put their accounts into run-off after 31 July 2017. This means funds will no longer be reinvested, and monies will be paid to you on a monthly basis, as underlying positions are repaid. This option will be chosen for clients with account balances below £5,000 on 31 July 2017.

If you have any questions, please contact us at invest@bondmason.com.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to enabling you to continue to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns from Direct Lending in 2017 and beyond.

Yours sincerely,

Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.09.2017, 09:45    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen (UK) Antworten mit Zitat

Ich bin ausgestiegen - zumindest soweit es möglich war.

Ein Blick zurück nach ziemlich genau einem Jahr Bondmason* ist hier:
Endresultat: Zwischen 1,9% und 4,3% Rendite je nachdem was mit den beiden ausgefallenen Krediten passiert. Aber das ist vor Steuern und Pfundabwertung, also war es im Endeffekt ein Minusgeschäft.
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 16.03.2018, 18:16    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen (UK) Antworten mit Zitat

So mein Bondmason* Invest ist heute tatsächlich beendet. Grade nochmal 27,40 Pfund ausgezahlt. Rund 9 Pfund stecken noch in einem Write Off, die werde ich nicht wiedersehen.
1000 Pfund eingezahlt. 1040,88 Pfund ausbezahlt.

Die XIRR Rendite (in Pfund) beträgt selbst berechnet 5,0%.
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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Anmeldedatum: 02.03.2017
Beiträge: 1422

BeitragVerfasst am: 15.04.2018, 05:52    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen (UK) Antworten mit Zitat

Ich sah gerade zufällig, daß ih bei BM noch ein paar GBP Guthaben hatte und habe sie mir auszahlen lassen. Nun weiß ich aber nicht mehr, wohin das Geld ausgezahlt wird. Ich finde auf der Seite auch nirgends einen Hinweis ausser "*****" für Kontoendziffern. Hat jemand eine Idee?
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 15.04.2018, 08:41    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen (UK) Antworten mit Zitat

Hochstens alte Bank-Kontoauszüge anschauen (alle) oder Support fragen.
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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P2P Legende

Anmeldedatum: 13.07.2010
Beiträge: 10705
Wohnort: Bei Karlsruhe

BeitragVerfasst am: 15.04.2018, 09:06    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen (UK) Antworten mit Zitat

Oder ändern, wenn das einfach geht.
Mein Blog rund um p2p Kredite
Bondora/XIRR ca. 12%/ Investiere per API.
Stand 9/2023

Weitere Anlagen bei Swaper*,peerberry,afranga,lendermarket und estateguru
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Anmeldedatum: 02.03.2017
Beiträge: 1422

BeitragVerfasst am: 15.04.2018, 11:29    Titel: Re: Bondmason Erfahrungen (UK) Antworten mit Zitat

Habe alles mögliche probiert. Keine Ahnung, warum es nicht aufs Borderless ging, denn das hatte ich bei der letzten Auszahlung bereits. Über Transferwise* ging es auch nicht. Und Direktzahlung auf mein Giro kann ich nicht mehr nachvollziehen, mir aber auch nicht vorstellen. Das ursprüngliche Einzahlungskonto kann es auch nicht sein, da sie das wegen TW gar nicht sehen können. Hinterlegt war auf der Seite auch kein Konto.

Bin mal gespannt, wo die Kohle landet (wenn überhaupt bei mir). Shocked
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18043

BeitragVerfasst am: 29.05.2019, 17:23    Titel: Bondmason stellt P2P Geschäft ein Antworten mit Zitat

Bondmason wickelt P2P Geschäft ab. Die laufenden Kredite werden zu Ende bedient.
Bondmason stellt Neugeschäft wegen der Risiken im britischen Immobiliensektor ein


In an email to customers on Wednesday the company said it would stop offering new investments and wind down its service after collecting on its existing loans.

Mitteilung der Firma

This is obviously a difficult decision for our Company, but one we feel is important given the market conditions and to act in the best interests of our clients. Please note: our loan book is still performing in line with expectations; we do expect clients to get their capital and interest back, and subject to the outcome of COL (which is c.2% of the loan book) we are hopeful that we can protect our performance of no client making a loss with BM, and the average return being 5-6% p.a. The next 12-18 months will tell as we work hard to collect in the loans.

Doing the right thing - putting our clients first

Since launching in 2015, we have always put our clients first, and today is no exception.

We have been very pleased to deliver our clients an average net return of 6% per annum over the last 3 years. Some of our earliest clients have achieved a total return in excess of 20%.

However, for reasons that I explain in further detail below, the team at BondMason* feels it is unlikely that we will be able to deliver the same attractive returns over the coming years through our BondMason* Core service, in which your money is invested.

As the CEO of BondMason*, I feel strongly that it is better to stop our clients investing their funds now and collect the underlying loans, which continue to perform in line with our expectations and past performance; than write a letter in 2-3 years’ time to explain disappointing returns.

I know this will be disappointing news to many clients, and it is a difficult decision for our Company. But I believe it is in our clients’ best interests, and the right thing to do.

The information below sets out the process for returning your funds as we receive back the interest and capital from the underlying loans, and proceed to wind-down the BondMason* Core product.
Looking ahead
The property market has many different facets and we are continually seeking new opportunities for investment that can offer an attractive, risk-adjusted return for our clients.

We have identified a property-based investment service that is built on a long-term trend and market need, which we have been following for some time. We consider that the investment case is compelling, and this is something we are excited about.

As soon as we have finalised the details in the coming weeks, we will provide you with further information. (I would like to add though, that the launch of this new service is not linked to the decision to wind-down the BondMason* Core service – they were intended to be sister services).
Thank you again for your support, and we wish you continued success with your investment activities, and we hope to be able to assist you again in the near future.

Yours sincerely,


Stephen Findlay
Chief Executive

Further detail

Our clients have benefitted from attractive, risk-adjusted returns sourced from direct lending, including peer-to-peer lending and property-backed lending. We are proud of our clients’ returns*:
clients have achieved an average net return of 6% p.a.;
- £55M+ invested over 4 years;
- £20M+ of current client funds;
- £2M+ of net interest paid (after defaults and losses); and
- no client has experienced a net loss, with total write-offs currently standing at less than 0.5%.

*Performance statistics based on the current valuation of the underlying portfolio, which is performing in line with expectations and past performance, and includes accrued interest due to clients. The final picture will be known in 12-18 months once all the underlying positions have repaid.

Over the last 5 years we have seen more and more institutional investors enter the property lending market, seeking to achieve attractive returns. This influx of new capital has led to a reduction in rates payable by borrowers (which is good for borrowers, but not great for lenders), and a reduction in the availability of attractive lending opportunities.

From our Company’s perspective, we are also experiencing an increase in operational costs, including from insurance, regulatory compliance and client acquisition, as the market responds to the failure of some operators in the space. As a business, we are reluctant to pass these costs on to our clients.

Looking ahead, we are concerned about economic uncertainty, and the impact on lender returns. We now find ourselves in a position whereby we predict that over the next few years it will be increasingly difficult for us to continue to enable clients to achieve an attractive' risk-adjusted return from our property-backed BondMason* Core lending model.

We feel strongly that a net return to clients of 3-4% p.a. or so, after considering the impact of additional operational costs, and the continuing regulatory costs associated with our innovative investment model, is not commensurate with the risk clients would be taking with their capital in this sector; even if we were to put an alternative structure in place such as a fund, which may also include a provision fund.

It is for these reasons, effective immediately, we have taken the decision to put our BondMason* Core service into wind-down. We would like to reassure clients that this should mean that we do not anticipate a material change in the performance of your investments as the underlying loans repay, and we expect them to run their normal course and deliver the usual level of returns.

Given that property-backed development loans are typically 9-12 months in duration, we must always look ahead, to assess the continuing viability of the investment strategy and our proposition in this area. It is difficult to predict whether and how lending rates will continue to drop, and what the economy has in store over the near term. But we feel it is important to review investment strategies on an ongoing basis, and take decisions early. We would rather get the timing wrong by taking risk off the table too soon, than leave capital exposed for too long. Particularly where there is no opportunity for upside – as in lending. Our focus should be on protecting against the downside risks.

We would like to thank all of our clients who have entrusted us with their capital to date; and we hope that this decision - which has been a difficult one for our company, but which we believe is in the best interests of our clients – reflects our commitment to always put our clients first.

We believe the investment management industry is built on trust, and operators should be the careful custodians of their clients’ capital, taking a long-term view. We hope our actions today, and always, reflect this sentiment.

What happens next?

Existing clients will automatically receive monthly repayments into their nominated bank account at the end of each month as the underlying loans repay capital and interest. Any clients wishing to call us to discuss their account can continue to do so: invest@bondmason.com or 01582 802 000.

We expect half of funds to be returned within 6 months and the significant majority of funds to be repaid within 12-18 months. The receivables book is expected to repay as follows:

As each client has a unique portfolio of receivables, the exact amount received by each client may vary each month, and may be more, or less, than that shown in the indicative charts above. Underlying borrowers may also repay loans faster, or slower, than anticipated.
You will be able to view the status of your account via your dashboard. Please note: there is a new website address for viewing your BondMason* Core investment account at: www.bondmasoncore.com

I will also be hosting a series of webinars over the coming few days to enable us to discuss this decision with any clients that should wish to, first hand. If you would like to participate in a webinar, please email Rach at rachel.billington@bondmason.com with your preferred time:
- Thursday, May 30th at 10am
- Thursday, May 30th at 4pm
- Friday, May 31st at 12noon
- Monday, June 3rd at 3pm

If there is demand for other times, we may organise further webinars, to seek to ensure everyone who would like to participate is able to.

In the meantime, you may find our FAQ page answers any questions you may have.

Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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