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€26.000 Portfolio  

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Autor Nachricht

Anmeldedatum: 01.06.2019
Beiträge: 103

BeitragVerfasst am: 27.10.2019, 09:51    Titel: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat


I would like to share my portfolio with you. I have been investing in P2P since 2016, so it's been quite a while. My post is in Lithuanian so I hope Google Translate will do its job correctly. Smile

I have been moving my assets to Savy*, Omaraha and EvoEstate recently. Do you use any of these platforms?
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Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen AIM-Name
Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 17962

BeitragVerfasst am: 27.10.2019, 09:54    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

23.000 of your money on one platform is brave. What about diversification?
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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Anmeldedatum: 09.01.2019
Beiträge: 1373

BeitragVerfasst am: 27.10.2019, 11:13    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I have been moving my assets to Savy*, Omaraha and EvoEstate recently. Do you use any of these platforms?

No, i use Bondora*, Mintos*, Investly*, IUVO, Linked Finance*, Peerberry*, Robocash*, Grupeer*, Wisefund*, ReInvest, Estateguru.

You have to look which of them is for your Country ok, but diversification is very important.
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Anmeldedatum: 01.06.2019
Beiträge: 103

BeitragVerfasst am: 27.10.2019, 12:13    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

Claus Lehmann hat Folgendes geschrieben:
23.000 of your money on one platform is brave. What about diversification?

That's a good point, Claus. FinBee returns used to be higher than elsewhere with low defaults, therefore a big part of my portfolio was in it. Now I take money out of it since they have changed the way they count interest for the investors.

j789 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I have been moving my assets to Savy*, Omaraha and EvoEstate recently. Do you use any of these platforms?

No, i use Bondora*, Mintos*, Investly*, IUVO, Linked Finance*, Peerberry*, Robocash*, Grupeer*, Wisefund*, ReInvest, Estateguru.

You have to look which of them is for your Country ok, but diversification is very important.

I'm sure all of them are OK in Lithuania. I I use Reinvest not a big fan of Mintos*, Bondora* and other marketplaces.
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Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen AIM-Name

Anmeldedatum: 09.01.2019
Beiträge: 1373

BeitragVerfasst am: 27.10.2019, 12:22    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I'm sure all of them are OK in Lithuania. I I use Reinvest not a big fan of Mintos*, Bondora* and other marketplaces.

Finbee is a marketplace too. You don't have to put 10.000 € in there, just 1.000 or 1.500€. Is better then have all in Finbee.
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Anmeldedatum: 01.06.2019
Beiträge: 103

BeitragVerfasst am: 27.10.2019, 16:50    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

j789 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I'm sure all of them are OK in Lithuania. I I use Reinvest not a big fan of Mintos*, Bondora* and other marketplaces.

Finbee is a marketplace too. You don't have to put 10.000 € in there, just 1.000 or 1.500€. Is better then have all in Finbee.

Finbee is not a marketplace, the loan contract is directly between me and the borrower.
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Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen AIM-Name

Anmeldedatum: 29.07.2011
Beiträge: 2507
Wohnort: BW

BeitragVerfasst am: 27.10.2019, 20:06    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:

I would like to share my portfolio with you. I have been investing in P2P since 2016, so it's been quite a while. My post is in Lithuanian so I hope Google Translate will do its job correctly. Smile

I have been moving my assets to Savy*, Omaraha and EvoEstate recently. Do you use any of these platforms?

I am nearly out of Savy. Why did you choose Savy?
What do you think, which return you can achieve with Savy?
Do you invest with Provision Fund on Savy* or without Provision Fund?
Meine Rendite: Erhaltene Zinsen:
Finbee: 153.000€,
Omaraha: 108.000€
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Anmeldedatum: 01.06.2019
Beiträge: 103

BeitragVerfasst am: 28.10.2019, 11:01    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

Bandit55555 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:

I would like to share my portfolio with you. I have been investing in P2P since 2016, so it's been quite a while. My post is in Lithuanian so I hope Google Translate will do its job correctly. Smile

I have been moving my assets to Savy*, Omaraha and EvoEstate recently. Do you use any of these platforms?

I am nearly out of Savy. Why did you choose Savy?
What do you think, which return you can achieve with Savy?
Do you invest with Provision Fund on Savy* or without Provision Fund?

Hi Bandit,

I heard good words about Savy*, that they have good default rates. Why are you leaving them? I have put 800 Euros for a test in Savy*, will see how it goes, I expect ±15%. I do not use provision fund.
Nach oben
Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen AIM-Name

Anmeldedatum: 29.07.2011
Beiträge: 2507
Wohnort: BW

BeitragVerfasst am: 28.10.2019, 17:10    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I heard good words about Savy*, that they have good default rates. Why are you leaving them? I have put 800 Euros for a test in Savy*, will see how it goes, I expect ±15%. I do not use provision fund.

I leave because of no transparency, automatically withheld tax and "manipulated" statistics on the statistic site. (Calculate only Payments late not the whole Loan.)
I do not know if it still the case.
Meine Rendite: Erhaltene Zinsen:
Finbee: 153.000€,
Omaraha: 108.000€
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Anmeldedatum: 01.06.2019
Beiträge: 103

BeitragVerfasst am: 29.10.2019, 11:37    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

Bandit55555 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I heard good words about Savy*, that they have good default rates. Why are you leaving them? I have put 800 Euros for a test in Savy*, will see how it goes, I expect ±15%. I do not use provision fund.

I leave because of no transparency, automatically withheld tax and "manipulated" statistics on the statistic site. (Calculate only Payments late not the whole Loan.)
I do not know if it still the case.

It's not the case with the stats as I am aware of and no withheld tax is for Lithuanian residents, so I have no problem with that.
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Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen AIM-Name

BeitragVerfasst am: 01.11.2020, 04:07    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

Ich fühle mich sicherer, wenn ich viele Konten habe und nicht nur eines. Um ehrlich zu sein, habe ich kein Vertrauen in eines dieser Konten. Ich verfolge nur Statistiken, die von jemand anderem erstellt wurden. Wenn die Zahlen zurückgehen, gehe ich, aber ich habe immer noch Konten woanders.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2021, 10:42    Titel: Re: €26.000 Portfolio Antworten mit Zitat

HonestFIRE hat Folgendes geschrieben:

I would like to share my portfolio with you. I have been investing in P2P since 2016, so it's been quite a while. My post is in Lithuanian so I hope Google Translate will do its job correctly. Smile

I have been moving my assets to YouHodler, Omaraha and Evoestate* recently. Do you use any of these platforms?

I'm very interested to know how much investment you have today? And was your decision to invest a lot of money in one company successful?
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