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Info 25.10.2019  

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Autor Nachricht

Anmeldedatum: 06.03.2017
Beiträge: 899

BeitragVerfasst am: 30.10.2019, 11:04    Titel: Info 25.10.2019 Antworten mit Zitat

In line with our investor update on Friday 4th October the Joint Administrators anticipate that on Monday 28th
October 2019 the respective investor accounts will be updated for the interim distributions in respect of the
following loans:
• DFL012;
• DFL034;
• DFL037; and
• DFL032.
We will send a further update to investors whom have cleared the anti-money laundering checks to advise when
the withdrawal facility is available.
Further Distributions
In addition, we anticipate over the next 21 days progressively there will be further distributions on the following
• PBL 163;
• PBL 164;
• PBL056;
• PBL 103;
• PBL 193
• PBL 177; and
• PBL 178.
Interim Distributions
Please note these are interim distributions and it is anticipated there could be further distributions in respect of
these loans.
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