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Anmeldedatum: 04.04.2016 Beiträge: 2935
Verfasst am: 17.10.2016, 05:47 Titel: Re: Mogo Kredite jetzt auch ohne Buyback (Mintos) |
Katsching _________________ Mein p2p Blog: www.p2phero.blog |
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Mintos Mitarbeiter von Mintos
Anmeldedatum: 15.05.2015 Beiträge: 76
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Anmeldedatum: 12.09.2013 Beiträge: 405
Verfasst am: 21.10.2016, 12:40 Titel: Mogo (Mintos) |
Thank you for this report.
I would be interested in Mogos default and recovery rates, especially
cause theres loans without buyback on the market.
I have several 60+ /no Buyback.Some are already 60+.
Theres no information about a default-case available for investors.
- how long will take the recovery?
-how much LTV is realistic to be realized after a default?
Of course i dont expect a 100% LTV Loan to be fully recovered,but what
is Mogos experience?
-who will pay the costs of debt-collection? |
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