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Autor Nachricht
Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 18007

BeitragVerfasst am: 21.06.2019, 19:05    Titel: Read first please / Welcome Antworten mit Zitat

Over the last months an increasing foreign audience from all over Europe read this forum. Most with automatic translation through Chrome browser or Google translate.


As an experiment I'll start an english language subsection for those investors that prefer to discuss in English language. In this sub-forum here all communication will be in English.

Do note that you are welcome to post in English also in any of the discussions that go on in German in the other parts of the forum. Most readers will understand you well, it's just that some might prefer to answer you in German there.

Please obey the following points
+ this forum is profiting from a friendly and constructive atmosphere
+ detailed posts with facts and experiences help other investors and foster a further productive discussion
+ everybody once started as a newbie. Even if the same question has been answered repeatedly, it helps if the new user is directed to an answer with a link to a matching post
+ controversial discussion is welcome, but please try to be objective and factual. If you disagree with your previous poster, then don't just write 'That is wrong', but rather explain why you disagree
+ do not post referral links, your post will be deleted
+ do not treat this forum as a promotion board for your blog or your venture. If every blogger links his individual review of platform XYZ, users will be swamped by review links. Your post might be deleted.
Rather use this forum to build and finetune your knowledge on investing in p2p lending
+ do not post names of employees of marketplaces. Your post will be moderated or deleted

Since this is a single sub-forum, in order to make it easier to navigate I suggest to start each thread title that deals with something on a single platform with the platform name.

Mintos: Offers on the secondary market
Viainvest: New loans with unified interest rate

Thank you.

P.S.: For those not yet aware of it. I publish the www.p2p-banking.com blog in english language.
Meine Investments (aktualisiert 12/24):
Laufend: Bondora*, Estateguru*, Indemo*, Inrento*, Mintos*, Crowdestate* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance* (Rest), Plenti (Rest), Ventus Energy*, Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest),
Beendet: Smava, Auxmoney, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend, Lendico, Omarahee, Lendy, Ablrate, Bondmason, Finbee*, Assetz Capital, Bulkestate, Fellow Finance, Investly*, Iuvo*, Landex, Lendermarket*, Lenndy, Moneything,
Neofinance*, Reinvest24, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor, Zlty Melon
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