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Savingstream zu Brexit und der Lage im Immobilienmarkt  

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Autor Nachricht
Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 17873

BeitragVerfasst am: 12.07.2016, 16:01    Titel: Savingstream zu Brexit und der Lage im Immobilienmarkt Antworten mit Zitat

Update on the Brexit vote and the property market

The Brexit vote has dominated the headlines in the last three weeks and had a significant effect on a number of asset classes. The effects on the FTSE 100, FTSE 250, other stock markets, bond yields, sterling, and real estate have been widely reported.

Even cash is being impacted with the fall in sterling expected to increase inflation and reduce the real (post inflation) returns.

Most pertinently for Saving Stream* and Saving Stream* investors there have been some concerns voiced about potential effects on the UK property markets. For example, it has been suggested that a reduction in overseas investment in UK real estate is possible, or that if the economy slows down landlords will be in a weaker bargaining position in negotiating rents.

As ever these challenges, if they occur, also present opportunities for well-placed and disciplined investors and lenders. We believe Saving Stream* and its clients are extremely well placed to take advantage of the disruption that has inevitably come with the result of the vote.

For instance, if there is a reduction in overall lending into the property markets that should see lenders achieve better yields on new loans that they make.

Our view is now is the time to be selectively picking up good deals at more attractive prices. As a lender we are a strong position to do that. Having low overheads ourselves (for example we own our own headquarters building) we are in no rush to get deals out to the market but we will be picking the best from the pipeline on improved terms.

Where loans are currently going through our due diligence process we are renegotiating LTVs in order to ensure that risk levels are further reduced. We already cap our loans at a sensible LTV of 70% but we will be offering LTVs on new loans close to 60% to give a more generous equity cushion just in case there is a hard landing.

Our cash position is similarly strong. We have significant cash reserves on hand in addition to the £2.5 million provision fund we maintain at all times. As such we have no need to originate loans just to generate cash flow and our rigid quality controls on lending remain firmly in place. As ever, underwriting discipline is essential no matter what the economic environment. A bad deal is a bad deal no matter what yield we are obtaining.

When the recovery in the market comes it can move remarkably quickly. For example, from Q1 2010 to the end of Q2 2010, even as the economy stagnated, office rents in the City of London jumped by 25%. That was the strongest six months of rental growth since reliable records began in 1988.

The advantage with lending through Saving Stream* is that as creditors we are taking much lower risks than the equity investors in property and with that lower risk profile we can be confident of using the recent shock of the Brexit vote to position our clients in higher quality and higher yielding opportunities.

Meine Investments (aktualisiert 03/22):
Laufend: Bondora*, Investly*, Estateguru*, Ablrate*, Moneything* (Rest), Crowdestate* (Rest), Fellow Finance* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance*, Lenndy* (Rest), Assetz*, Plenti, Neofinance* (Rest), Lendermarket*,
Beendet: Smava*, Auxmoney*, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend*, Lendico*, Omarahee, Lendy*, Bondmason, Finbee*, Bulkestate*, Zlty, Mintos*, Iuvo*, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor*
Crowdinvesting: Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest), Reinvest24*, Landex*
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