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Slovakian market soon to open (Slowakei)  

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Anmeldedatum: 13.06.2013
Beiträge: 1226

BeitragVerfasst am: 02.12.2013, 13:28    Titel: Slovakian market soon to open (Slowakei) Antworten mit Zitat

Gerade reingekommen, die Expansion geht ja echt zügig voran.. Bleibt einem kaum Zeit ersteinmal Erfahrungen zu sammeln Wink

Cobra hatte auch schon einen Link zum Zinsniveu gepostet :


(sry hatte den vorherigen Thread nicht gesehen :/ )

Dear customer,

In the nearest future you will be able to diversify your investment portfolio even more as isePankur´s loans will be open for the Slovakian residents. Please review some of the Slovakian market key facts that allow you to increase your investment portfolio and diversify risks even more:

Location: Central Europe, neighbouring countries are Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Ukraine
Area: 49,035 sq km
Member of the European Union and NATO since 2004
Currency: Euro
Population: 5,4 million, average monthly income 818 euro (gross)
GDP per capita 16,934.33 USD ‎(2012) with 2.0% annual growth rate
74,3% of population had access to Internet in 2010 and the percentage is increasing
isePankur´s loan interest are competitive on Slovakian market and allow consumers to save almost 500 euro within two years, when compared to other local loan providers
The credit groups for the Slovakian market will be following:

Discretionary income:
Group A: at least 250 EUR (in Estonia 250 EUR, in Finland 500 EUR, in Spain 350 EUR)
Group B: 250 - 125 EUR (in Estonia 249-125 EUR, in Finland 499-250 EUR, in Spain 349-175 EUR)
Group C: less than 125 EUR (in Estonia less than 125 EUR, in Finland less than 250 EUR, in Spain 175 EUR)
Minimum net income:
Group A, B, C: at least 340 EUR (in Estonia 300 EUR, in Finland 1 000 EUR, in Spain 650 EUR)
All other lending terms for the Slovakian market are exactly the same as in Estonia, Finland and Spain.
General information on investing into foreign markets using isePankur:

isePankur will continue to maintain its strict and conservative risk management and debt collection approach as it is currently set in all operating loan markets.
The profits earned through isePankur are in general taxed based on the residency of the investor.
Slovakian customer support is starting in December and the processing of the first loan applications will happen in the nearest future. Meanwhile we advise you to configure an Investment Profile to invest into all loans originated on the isePankur platform and diversify your risks between various countries. To do that please set your Investment Profile setting “Country” to “All”. You can choose between three types of pre-set investment profiles: conservative, moderate and aggressive to suit your investment strategy.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 02.12.2013, 14:47    Titel: Re: Slovakian market soon to open (Isepankur) Antworten mit Zitat

Hast Du das als Mail bekommen? Ich habe da nichts.

Nachtrag: Ist gerade eingetroffen. Profil anlegen geht aber noch nicht.
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