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Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding)  
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Anmeldedatum: 18.04.2017
Beiträge: 1405

BeitragVerfasst am: 13.01.2020, 14:50    Titel: Re: Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding) Antworten mit Zitat

Hieschen hat Folgendes geschrieben:
um nähere details zu den Krediten zu erfahren (...) im Vertag leihe ich mein Geld einer US Holding

Das war mir noch nicht aufgefallen, da kann ich leider nix zu sagen. Am besten einfach mal nachfragen, die antworten meistens recht kompetent, auch wenn es mal einen Tag dauert.
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Anmeldedatum: 16.03.2018
Beiträge: 651

BeitragVerfasst am: 17.01.2020, 15:10    Titel: Re: Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding) Antworten mit Zitat

Das Thema Trine ist fur mich durch. Projekte sind nicht segregiert, da ich bisher insgesamt nur 2/3 Kreditnehmer gesehen habe, keine Diversifikation möglich. Der Vertrag sagt grundsaetzlich dass der Loan Projektgebunden eingesetzt werden muss, aber da es keine Segregation gibt ist das eh egal, auch wird das Projekt im Vertrag nicht ausdrücklich genannt/beschrieben sondern das bleibt generisch. Zinsen werden zum Zeitpunkt des Einsammelns des Geldes mit 6-8% angegeben, der Vertrag sagt 6 von Anfang (Vertrag is auf den 28/11 datiert, da war man noch beim einsammeln, den Vertrag kann man aber erst nach Investition einsehen meines Wissens nach) an. Es gibt auch andere Punkte die mir nicht passen, sei es jetzt weil die Plattform da amateurhaft oder inkompetent ist, ich komme insgesamt zum Schluss dass ich mein Geld da sonstig vernünftiger investieren kann.
Anbei zur Info ein Transkript, anonymisiert was meine Daten angeht, meines Austauschs mit Trine im Laufe der Woche.

On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 09:56 PM, "anonymisiert> wrote:
Hi, was rereading the contract around the notes and was wondering, who am I lending the money too? The contract is with a US based company, Greenlight, not numbered, which would mean i lend the money to an overarching company and not a specific project/company? Could you provide the group chart please? The Delaware company will be a more or less substance less holding reaching the money through the ProjectCo wherever it may be. Thank you for reverting back

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 08:58 „anonymisiert“ wrote:
i really want to understand the structure of my investment before investing more with you. Are the projects from the same originator segregated or not? Reading the contract, that is really not sure. Where are the financial statements as promised in the contract, where are the debt covenants? Again are these by project or consolidated at the level of the originator?

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 04:06 PM, "anonymisiert“ wrote:
Stil nothing?

On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 04:22 PM, [*** vom Moderator entfernt, keine Mitarbeiternamen posten ***]" wrote:

Thanks for contacting us.
Sorry for the delayed response. I would need some help with your request from one of my colleagues, I hope to get back to you tomorrow!

Thanks for your patience.
All the best,

On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 02:39 PM, "anonymisiert“ wrote:

any news on this? This is most disappointing that you sell loans through your platform and are unable even after 3 working days to respond to a rather straightforward question


I'm so sorry for the delayed response. It's been taking longer time than wanted with getting the right information. I've talked with my colleague and the answer I got is that the projects are aggregated at the originator. When it comes to the financial statements we're not 100% sure what you refer to, is it the audited financials reports? In that case you're welcome to sign our NDA to receive more information about our partners(audited financials, quarterly reports and risk assessments).

Sign NDA here. I'll send you more information after that!

Please let me know if you have any further questions. I'll try my best to answer them as soon as possible.

All the best,

Xxxxx from Trine
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Investiert:LinkedFinance /Peerberry/Engel&Völkers / Look&Fin /Estateguru / Afranga/Mintos (Bonds) /Esketit/ Iuvo/Heavyfinance
Watchlist: Lendermarket/Moncera
Am Liquidieren: October / Kapilendo* / crowddesk / Twino
Abgewickelt: Bondora/Investly/Viventor/Trine
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Anmeldedatum: 18.04.2017
Beiträge: 1405

BeitragVerfasst am: 27.04.2020, 14:40    Titel: Re: Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding) Antworten mit Zitat

Hi _,

Latest update
Due to difficulties raising additional equity and the lockdown as a result of the outbreak of Covid-19 in Nigeria, Solynta has had a drop in payment collections (customers not being able to pay) of 40-60%. This has a major negative impact on the company and at the moment Solynta is facing challenges with covering salary to their staff. This development means that the two plans mentioned in the previous update have been affected as well.

Plan A: Solynta is still actively pursuing raising equity, which shall be used to repay Trine investors. They hope to have a solution to this at the beginning of May.

Plan B: Due to Covid-19 they can currently not commit any funds to the repayment plan and are waiting for ease of the lockdown to be able to assess their cash flow situation realistically.

We are therefore still waiting for a commitment in terms of what they can pay per month. Additionally, we had a call with one of their shareholders to better assess the situation.

What happens next?
We are still closely following up on the two scenarios presented previously and preparing for a different scenario where Trine would need to proceed with legal action. The course of action going forward is:

Await schedule repayment in May for Solynta’s first and second loan. If the scheduled repayment in May is not being met, we will send out a Special Resolution to you and the other investors. This is to allow us to take additional measures such as loan restructuring, litigation, and/or triggering the Sida guarantee on Solynta’s first loan if needed (more information on this will be communicated in due time). Currently, litigation seems most likely, but this is subject to further conversation with Solynta’s shareholders.

What does this mean for my investment?
If you invested in Solynta’s first loan: The expected repayment on their 1st loan that was planned for 7th January 2020 (with an extension to 7th of February) is delayed further until mid-May. Solynta is contractually in an event of default, however in order to trigger this formally, we will have to get a Special Resolution approved by you as an investor (see details above). Sida can cover this loan, but will only start the recovery procedure 90 days from an event of default (which, if approved by a Special Resolution, would count from 13 March 2020, 30 business days after the original due date).

If you invested in Solynta’s second loan: The scheduled repayment in May is currently delayed as well. The condition is that Solynta will complete the repayment by mid-May. They are currently dependent on being able to raise equity in order to do so. If they would not succeed in repaying by mid-May Trine will proceed with a Special Resolution.

To conclude, the current situation is still uncertain due to the unforeseeable impact of Covid-19. In the meanwhile, we are getting ready for any necessary other steps if the payments cannot be met by Solynta. We’ll keep you updated as much as possible.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions!

All the best,
_ and the Trine team
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Anmeldedatum: 18.04.2017
Beiträge: 1405

BeitragVerfasst am: 02.07.2020, 15:21    Titel: Re: Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding) Antworten mit Zitat

Trine hat jetzt ein Rewards Programm.
Ab 1000 Euro Gesamtanlagesumme bekommt man X% mehr Zinsen pro Kredit, ab 10000 Euro Y%, ab 50000 Z%.
Die Zinsaufschläge sind unterschiedlich je nach Kredit liegt X zwischen 0,5% und 2%.

Aktiv: Mintos*, Afranga*
Anleihen: 4Finance, Eleving, IuteCredit, IDFinance
Auslaufend: Twino*, Viainvest*, Peerberry*, Bondster*
Ausgestiegen: Moncera*, Lenndy*, Crowdestor*, Swaper*, Iuvo*, Lendermarket*, Robocash*, Estateguru*, Esketit*
Abgestürzt: Grupeer, Dofinance, Viventor*
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Anmeldedatum: 18.04.2017
Beiträge: 1405

BeitragVerfasst am: 06.10.2020, 14:46    Titel: Re: Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding) Antworten mit Zitat

Langsam geht es vorwärts, ein Kredit wurde nun erfolgreich zurückgezahlt.

Aktiv: Mintos*, Afranga*
Anleihen: 4Finance, Eleving, IuteCredit, IDFinance
Auslaufend: Twino*, Viainvest*, Peerberry*, Bondster*
Ausgestiegen: Moncera*, Lenndy*, Crowdestor*, Swaper*, Iuvo*, Lendermarket*, Robocash*, Estateguru*, Esketit*
Abgestürzt: Grupeer, Dofinance, Viventor*
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Anmeldedatum: 18.04.2017
Beiträge: 1405

BeitragVerfasst am: 02.02.2021, 19:52    Titel: Re: Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding) Antworten mit Zitat

Trine Jahresrückblick 2020:
Aktiv: Mintos*, Afranga*
Anleihen: 4Finance, Eleving, IuteCredit, IDFinance
Auslaufend: Twino*, Viainvest*, Peerberry*, Bondster*
Ausgestiegen: Moncera*, Lenndy*, Crowdestor*, Swaper*, Iuvo*, Lendermarket*, Robocash*, Estateguru*, Esketit*
Abgestürzt: Grupeer, Dofinance, Viventor*
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Anmeldedatum: 18.04.2017
Beiträge: 1405

BeitragVerfasst am: 18.02.2021, 09:30    Titel: Re: Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding) Antworten mit Zitat

So ein Überblick ist natürlich nett, aber mit den verspäteten Krediten geht es nur langsam voran.

Aktiv: Mintos*, Afranga*
Anleihen: 4Finance, Eleving, IuteCredit, IDFinance
Auslaufend: Twino*, Viainvest*, Peerberry*, Bondster*
Ausgestiegen: Moncera*, Lenndy*, Crowdestor*, Swaper*, Iuvo*, Lendermarket*, Robocash*, Estateguru*, Esketit*
Abgestürzt: Grupeer, Dofinance, Viventor*
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Anmeldedatum: 16.03.2018
Beiträge: 651

BeitragVerfasst am: 18.02.2021, 09:48    Titel: Re: Trine (Solar Energy Crowdfunding) Antworten mit Zitat

Glühbirne hat Folgendes geschrieben:
So ein Überblick ist natürlich nett, aber mit den verspäteten Krediten geht es nur langsam voran.

Ich finde den Ueberblick als Finanzinvestor sinnlos. Der ESG Aspekt ist ja ganz nett, aber ich habe das Gefühl dass man da was verkauft was so nicht ist. Kredite werden über Delaware strukturiert, sind nicht segregiert etc und man macht heile Welt Reporting rund um theoretische Zahlen um Co2 Einsparungen. Ich meine im Malawi wird ja jetzt nicht alternativ ein Kohlekraftwerk gebaut. Da bringt man Strom zu Leuten die oft keinen haben heute.
Investiert:LinkedFinance /Peerberry/Engel&Völkers / Look&Fin /Estateguru / Afranga/Mintos (Bonds) /Esketit/ Iuvo/Heavyfinance
Watchlist: Lendermarket/Moncera
Am Liquidieren: October / Kapilendo* / crowddesk / Twino
Abgewickelt: Bondora/Investly/Viventor/Trine
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