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Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahnern)  
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Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2011
Beiträge: 1499

BeitragVerfasst am: 04.11.2019, 21:04    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

The main character behind Mintos* and some of the Loan Originators Aigars Kesenfelds has founded a construct with more than 80 companies where Kesenfelds himself is the true beneficiary:



Liepaja businessman Aigars Kesenfelds last week registered 100x Ventures, according to Firmas.lv.

The start-up company has a share capital of EUR 4 million and Kesenfeld is the sole owner and chairman of the board. The legal address of the Company is Jūras Street 12, Liepaja.

"100x Ventures" was entered in the Commercial Register on Wednesday, March 20th.

In February this year, Lursoft announced that Kesenfeld was the beneficial owner of 81 companies, while he did not directly own any shares in any Latvian company. Among others, Kesenfeld was a real beneficiary of several real estate companies, as well as a company that offers self-service car wash services - SIA "Wash and Drive", JSC "Skanstes biroju centrs", Ltd. "Mintos Finance" and others. Cesenfeld's interests in these companies are represented through AS ALPS Investments, as well as through Dyonne Trading & Investments Limited, a company incorporated in Malta, and other companies.

Aktive P2P-Investments:
Bondora, Mintos
Auslaufend/Historisch: Estateguru*, Reinvest24*, Bondster*, Investly*, Funding Circle*, Auxmoney*, Lendermarket
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Anmeldedatum: 22.01.2019
Beiträge: 1032

BeitragVerfasst am: 05.11.2019, 10:14    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

Let's hope Mintos* and the beloging LOs haven't created a big snowball system.

In the meantime I find these connections in their entirety somewhat alarming...
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Investiert: EstateGuru, Bondora* G&G, Robocash
Beendet: Mintos*,Twino, DebitumNetwork
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 06.11.2019, 02:35    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

My goal about this thread isn't to provoke fear of investing in Mintos* or in any other P2P platform. Not to create panic and exit from the investments or that people should reinvest more money in any investment.

Everyone should decide for themselves the risks they wish to take.

I wish to promote a debate about the Mintos* connections with some LO present there.

Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Rick Lusitano am 06.11.2019, 04:02, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 06.11.2019, 02:59    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

About one missing piece of the Mintos* tribe, we didn't know to each Group it belong, Tengo.

Mintos hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Some of the equity investors in the loan originator and Mintos* overlap.

I had some suspicious that it belongs to Sun Finance Group, it seems a LO very similar to Kuki, Bino and Simbo, but in their Linkedin page, they only mention:

LV (www.bino.lv) PL (www.kuki.pl) DK (www.simbo.dk) CZ (www.nuko.cz)


In their website, the Czech Republic don't appear anymore, but appears 2 new countries, Kazakhstan and Mexico. So the Tengo possibility was strong.

Although the Tengo's financial statements on Mintos* don't reveal any information about its shareholders (it is a very poor report), the Tengo's presentation shows who is the Managing Director for the Kazakhstan market, Vitaliy Nizhegorodtsev.


Also when Tengo was launched on Mintos*, Mintos* said the same name of the Tengo's Managing Director:

Mintos hat Folgendes geschrieben:
...says Country manager Vitaliy Nizhegorodtsev at Tengo.kz.


If we go to his Linkedin Profile:

Vitaliy Nizhegorodtsev, MBA
Managing Director at Sun Finance Kazakhstan, Business Consultant

Managing Director, Kazakhstan
Company Name Sun Finance
Dates Employed Nov 2017 – Present
Employment Duration 2 yrs 1 mo
Location Almaty

This is also confirmed in Sun Finance Group website, in the Team section, that Vitaliy Nizhegorodtsev is the Sun Finance Managing Director at Kazakhstan, but don't mention the LO name.

The last known piece of this Group, the LO from Mexico, I have a "feeling" that it could be Dineria.mx. But who knows?

LinkedIn - Vitaliy Nizhegorodtsev: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vitaliy-nizhegorodtsev/
Sun Finance Group: https://www.sunfinance.group/
Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Rick Lusitano am 06.11.2019, 04:08, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 06.11.2019, 03:32    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

As there is so much information and it's scattered in many places and countries, with different languages and formats files, it will take time to gather the pieces of this puzzle. (And I know that it will never be completed.)

I wonder how no one had discover this, sooner. There is a lot of public information.

Each thing I discover, there is a lot more shady information to find. It's like a piece of string, that when you start pulling it from a ball of string, it takes a while to finish. It's web of connections that go deep across countries.

But I'm enjoying it.

So far, about Mintos*, the perception I have, is that Mintos* is just a mere Group platform like all the others P2P platforms, with some independent LO/Groups as some other P2P platforms also have.

Although Mintos* officially says it's an independent P2P marketplace platform. The older investors remember that Mintos* not even recognized any Mintos* related LO in the past, it was only in the recent time, that Mintos* start to disclose this connections. Perhaps because of some pressure from the investors.

PS: I didn't forget mention some things that were already mentioned here by other participants, there is much more information to put that needs confirming in several sources. I want to put reliable sources and the most complete information here. I just start with a small grain of sand on this desert.
If the FCA, the British financial regulator found Mintos' LO opaque, with lack of transparency, and had difficulties to connect the dots, imagine the simple mortals, like us.
Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/
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Anmeldedatum: 22.01.2019
Beiträge: 1032

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.11.2019, 09:47    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

Rick Lusitano hat Folgendes geschrieben:
My goal about this thread isn't to provoke fear of investing in Mintos* or in any other P2P platform. Not to create panic and exit from the investments or that people should reinvest more money in any investment.

Everyone should decide for themselves the risks they wish to take.

I wish to promote a debate about the Mintos* connections with some LO present there.

Of course, everyone has to draw their own conclusions, but if you create such a web of firms and connections, spread over many countries, you only do that to cover something up.
Just my opinion.
Coinlend.org - The world's leading Lending-Bot-Platform for Bitfinex, Poloniex, Liquid & Celsius - we help you to create a passive income!

Investiert: EstateGuru, Bondora* G&G, Robocash
Beendet: Mintos*,Twino, DebitumNetwork
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Anmeldedatum: 11.07.2019
Beiträge: 99

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.11.2019, 17:53    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

This thread could be the basis for a financial thriller in a few years... or not...

I just wish Mintos* - in their own intrest - would handle this topic much more transparent. Including exact personal relationships and % of total involvement. A one-liner saying that there is "some overlap" is just not enough.

@Rick Lusitano: are you personaly still invested in Mintos?
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.11.2019, 17:55    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

Mephisto hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Rick thank you really much for your hard work. Unfortunately as long as we don't know the liabilities between the corporations in one group we cannot asses the risk respectively if this increases the risk for oneself or not.

carnold hat Folgendes geschrieben:
While I also knew that some LO are connected, the magnitude of it seems to be bigger than anticipated. However, I have the following questions or concerns to correctly interpret the new information:

Even if Varks and ExpressCredit do belong to the same group, which is something that is hidden from investors for a reaosn probably, what does it mean for the overall risk assessment? If ExpressCredit goes bust, how does it change the likelihood of Varks or any of the other LO in the group to get into trouble? If these two are independent, the situation is as before even if they belong to the same group overall. If the risk becomes lower because they "help" each other in case of financial distress, even better. Only if risk increases, it becomes a real issue. The Mintos* group guarantee is only for within ExpressCredit, not for the "Metagroup".

I think the real problem about this lack of transparency is the liabilities of the several groups, LO and Mintos.
As we saw with Aforti case, Mintos* did some payments in advance to the investors without receiving first the payments from the Aforti. How could we be certain that Mintos* didn't paid also for some Mintos-related LO? Could some of these Mintos* related-LO has been in troubles, and Mintos* cover it up? (With several dozens of LO related to Mintos*, and the only 2 LO that went bankrupt were 2 LO supposedly independent, Eurocent and Rápido Finance.)

Mintos says that a LO have a Group Guarantee, but we don't know is who are the shareholders of that group (except for Mogo Finance, where there is some public information, but it don't come from Mintos), what is the structure of that group. As we saw there are Groups with cross-participation in other Groups and LO.

Where starts and where ends the liabilities of companies and Groups? There is some ring-fencing to protect the Groups and other companies, if there is a company in trouble?

Even if there is no Group Guarantee, a company in trouble could damage other companies in the Group.

Imagine the following scenario:
Group A:
- LO 1
- LO 2
No Group Guarantee

LO 2 is in financial trouble and LO 1 is OK. What the shareholders of the Group could do?
a) Do nothing, and LO 2 go bankrupt. LO 1 stays OK, Group A take some losses
b) The shareholders puts money directly in LO 2, could be as loan or as equity
c) The Group A puts money directly directly in LO 2, could be as loan or as equity
d) The LO 1 puts money directly in LO 2, could be as loan or as equity
e) A mix of the b), c) and d)

In a) and c) answers it damages the possibility of Group A helping the LO 1 in the future, if it should need help.

The b) answer also damages the possibility of the shareholders of helping the Group A and LO 1 in case of need.

The d) answer, where LO 1 helps her company sister, it hurts her directly if LO 2 goes bust and affects all the Group and shareholders. In the various LO's financial statements, we could see that the LO gives (and receives) loans to (from) related parties. It could be the Group directly above, a Group that owns that Group, the shareholders of some of that Groups, any LO in any Group related or even from Mintos*, a related party of some LO. Meaning a systemic risk possibility,

The e) answer is all the above ,except the a) answer.

And what happens if the controlling shareholder is in some trouble? Could it damage the several Groups and LO below? Perhaps Mintos* should say who are the shareholders of Group and LO. And who are the related shareholders of them and Mintos. (I'm starting to collect the names and companies, but the information have some opacity.)

In the "real world", there are some cases that companies went bankrupt, damaged their Group, and this Group damaged the Holding structure above, meaning the Holding couldn't finance other Groups. And all the Holding companies went bankrupt.
Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.11.2019, 18:12    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

wasserkocher hat Folgendes geschrieben:
This thread could be the basis for a financial thriller in a few years... or not...

Funny, I'm thinking of doing a story about this. As there are lots of pieces, I'm figuring how to write this.

wasserkocher hat Folgendes geschrieben:
@Rick Lusitano: are you personaly still invested in Mintos?

Yes. For me, P2P investments were always a high risk investment, many times more than investing in stocks or other financial instruments in the capital markets. So I invest only my "beer money", meaning that I invest money I can afford to loose without affecting my financial and mental stability.

Especially in Eastern Europe platforms. We all know that some LO are present in several countries with some special characteristics, for example, African countries (weak economies and currencies, etc) or other obscure countries from ex-USSR...

Also don't forget about the official known scandals in 2018 of Money Laundering of Baltic banks, including the western and northern European banks subsidiaries present in the Baltic region. Wink
Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Rick Lusitano am 08.11.2019, 02:20, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.11.2019, 19:04    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

Pyro439 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I made some similar investigations a few months ago, also with ViaInvest 4Finance (first company of the people behind mintos), all those companies are related to a group of people based in Russia

Yes, there are lots of connections to Russian people in the Baltics, it could in P2P plataforms, LO, Fintechs, banks and other sectors.

Check this 2018 news article about Via SMS Group (Viainvest):

Latvian bank collapses, Russian mafia, North Korea’s regime links, Putin’s United Russia party connections...
Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.11.2019, 19:26    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

Pyro439 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Hello Rick,

thanks for your great work. But I am not so sure about that the African ExpressCredit is related to Expresscredit.lv. Cause the Expresscredit Holding AS you mentioned is just an construct Mintos* made for the payment.
I cannot find any relationship between Expresscredit Holding AS to ExpressCredit Ltd. (Latvia).

The connections aren't direct. I didn't put all the connections I already know, because I don't know the all structure, and for sake of simplicity. For example, Mintos* says the following:

ExpressCredit Group is an innovative consumer lender that operates in Botswana, Zambia and Namibia:
- Expresscredit (Proprietary) Limited => Botswana
- YesCash Zambia Ltd => Zambia
- Express Credit Cash Advance (Proprietary) Limited => Namibia


In the "ExpressCredit Zambia" LinkedIn profile, says that:

YesCash Zambia is an affiliate of YesCash Group, which operates also in Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Malawi. The company is a subsidiary of a private holding company domiciled in Europe. It has been rapidly developing and expanding in the region with presence in various European countries in efforts to promote fast and friendly micro credit services worldwide.

OK, we could say an European Holding that gives loans in several European countries, could be anything. But in a job offer in February 2019 for CFO at ExpressCredit Zambia it says:

YesCash Zambia Ltd T/A ExpressCredit Zambia Job Recruitment
ExpressCredit is an International company operating in various southern African countries. It is a subsidiary of the EC Finance Group of companies, headquartered in Europe.


Meaning the following structure:
YesCash Zambia Ltd (ExpressCredit Zambia) \ YesCash Group \ EC Finance Group \ ??? \ ExpressCredit Group \ ???

This EC Finance Group, headquartered in Europe is according to Lursoft at Riga, Skanstes iela 50, LV-1013 (the same legal address of Mintos*, other LO and their Groups). The same shareholders of that LO/Groups and Mintos* are also the same of ExpressCredit.lv.

If you go to Lursoft, you also see that Banknote, Vizia, ExpressCredit, Holding companies (or other companies) and its shareholders share the same legal address and telephone number.

The shareholders of ExpressCredit.lv are the same of Mintos*, but Mintos* officially recognizes only relations with ExpressCredit Group (African LO).

LinkedIn - ExpressCredit.co.zm: https://www.linkedin.com/company/expresscredit-co-zm/about/
Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.11.2019, 22:20    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

As I was talking about Mintos* LO in Africa, some information about other LO:

Zenka Finance
The Zenka Finance, that belongs to the Latvian Zenka Group, according to Lursoft, with the legal address of several Groups of LO present at Mintos*, Riga, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013, previous address were at the same building of Mintos*, the number 50. Mintos* recognize that:

Some of the equity investors in the loan originator and Mintos* overlap.


Zenka Finance (app) operates in
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Uganda

Zenka Finance is a fintech company set up to provide innovative loan products. The app is currently in three countries in Africa; Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, with roots in Europe as well.


Mogo Finance
During my investigations, also found at Lursoft that Mogo Finance expanded to the some African countries, with the "Mogo Africa" AS, registered at 28.11.2018. The LO already open in 2019 at the countries. But in the Mogo website still don't appear in the Mogo Finance structure:


So what are these new African countries expanded:
- Kenya
- Uganda

I see too much coincidences as the following:

Countries operated:
Country -------- Mogo Balkans Group ------------ Finitera Group
- Albania: ------ Mogo Albania ----------------------- Kredo Finance
- Bosnia: ------- Mogo Bosnia and Herzegovina ---- Moneda*
- Kosovo: ------ Mogo Kosovo ----------------------- Monego
- Macedonia: -- Mogo Macedonia ------------------- Tigo

Country -------- Mogo Africa Group ------------ Zenka Group
- Kenya: ------- Mogo Kenya ---------------------- Zenka Finance
- Tanzania: ---- ???????? ------------------------- Zenka Finance*
- Uganda: ------ Mogo Uganda ------------------- Zenka Finance*

* still not at Mintos

Legal address:
Riga, Skanstes iela 50, LV-1013
- Mintos Group
- Mogo Group
- Finitera Group (until 30.09.2019)
- Zenka Group (until 08.10.2019)

Riga, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013
- Finitera Group (from 30.09.2019)
- Zenka Group (from 08.10.2019)

Telephone number:
+371 27057807
- Finitera Group
- Zenka Group

- Mogo Finance: Some of the equity investors in the Loan Originator and Mintos* overlap.
- Zenka Finance: Some of the equity investors in the loan originator and Mintos* overlap.
- Kredo Finance: Kredo Finance is related party to Mintos* according to IAS 24.
- Monego: Monego is a related party to Mintos* according to IAS 24.
- Tigo Finance: Tigo Finance is related party to Mintos* according to IAS 24.

Managing directors, CEO & Co-founders:
The same, present working at Mogo Finance & Finiterra Group (LinkedIn)

Finitera: https://www.finitera.com/brands
Lursoft: https://www.lursoft.lv/?l=en
Mintos: https://www.mintos.com
Mogo Finance Group: https://mogo.finance/about-us/structure/
Mogo Kenya: https://www.mogo.co.ke
Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Rick Lusitano am 14.11.2019, 16:25, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Rick Lusitano

Anmeldedatum: 19.03.2019
Beiträge: 85

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.11.2019, 22:55    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

Rick Lusitano hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Pyro439 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Hello Rick,

thanks for your great work. But I am not so sure about that the African ExpressCredit is related to Expresscredit.lv. Cause the Expresscredit Holding AS you mentioned is just an construct Mintos* made for the payment.
I cannot find any relationship between Expresscredit Holding AS to ExpressCredit Ltd. (Latvia).

The connections aren't direct. I didn't put all the connections I already know, because I don't know the all structure, and for sake of simplicity. For example, Mintos* says the following:

ExpressCredit Group is an innovative consumer lender that operates in Botswana, Zambia and Namibia:
- Expresscredit (Proprietary) Limited => Botswana
- YesCash Zambia Ltd => Zambia
- Express Credit Cash Advance (Proprietary) Limited => Namibia


In the "ExpressCredit Zambia" LinkedIn profile, says that:

YesCash Zambia is an affiliate of YesCash Group, which operates also in Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Malawi. The company is a subsidiary of a private holding company domiciled in Europe. It has been rapidly developing and expanding in the region with presence in various European countries in efforts to promote fast and friendly micro credit services worldwide.

OK, we could say an European Holding that gives loans in several European countries, could be anything. But in a job offer in February 2019 for CFO at ExpressCredit Zambia it says:

YesCash Zambia Ltd T/A ExpressCredit Zambia Job Recruitment
ExpressCredit is an International company operating in various southern African countries. It is a subsidiary of the EC Finance Group of companies, headquartered in Europe.


Meaning the following structure:
YesCash Zambia Ltd (ExpressCredit Zambia) \ YesCash Group \ EC Finance Group \ ??? \ ExpressCredit Group \ ???

This EC Finance Group, headquartered in Europe is according to Lursoft at Riga, Skanstes iela 50, LV-1013 (the same legal address of Mintos*, other LO and their Groups). The same shareholders of that LO/Groups and Mintos* are also the same of ExpressCredit.lv.

If you go to Lursoft, you also see that Banknote, Vizia, ExpressCredit, Holding companies (or other companies) and its shareholders share the same legal address and telephone number.

The shareholders of ExpressCredit.lv are the same of Mintos*, but Mintos* officially recognizes only relations with ExpressCredit Group (African LO).

LinkedIn - ExpressCredit.co.zm: https://www.linkedin.com/company/expresscredit-co-zm/about/

According to some LinkedIn profiles:
- YesCash Zambia Limited belongs to Orange Sky Finance Group.
- Orange Sky Finance Group that belongs to EC Finance Group.

Meaning the following structure:
YesCash Zambia Ltd (ExpressCredit Zambia) \ YesCash Group \ Puzzle Finance (Orange Sky Finance Group)* \ EC Finance Group \ ??? \ ExpressCredit Group \ ???

* new addition

EC Finance Group
- Legal address: Riga, Skanstes iela 50, LV-1013
- It controls Puzzle Finance (Orange Sky Finance Group) with:
-- YesCash Group with:
--- Botswana: ExpressCredit (Proprietary) Limited (ExpressCredit Botswana)
--- Zambia: YesCash Zambia Ltd (ExpressCredit Zambia)
--- Namibia: Express Credit Cash Advance (Proprietary) LTD (ExpressCredit Namibia)
--- Zimbabwe:
--- Malawi:

Could it also control the Zenka Finance Group and Watu Credit (Kenya)?

As in my previous post about Orange Sky Finance Group:
- Legal name: Puzzle Finance AS
- It works with LO from Southern Africa
- The CEO of Orange Sky Finance is the COO of Peachy (Cash On Go)
- Legal address: Riga, Skanstes iela 50, LV-1013 (until 27.09.2019)
- Legal address: Riga, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013 (from 27.09.2019)

Rick Lusitano hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Peachy (Cash On Go) is a possibility of an LO related to Mintos:

According to FCA, Cash On Go have 2 representatives:
Kristjan Novitski (Estonian) => Kristian is the CEO
Una Hewitt (Latvian) => Una is the COO

Una is also the CEO Orange Sky Finance, a Latvian company with the legal name of Puzzle Finance AS. This Orange Sky Finance/Puzzle Finance AS shared the same address with Mintos* (LinkedIn), but now moved to Riga, Skanstes iela 52, LV-1013, as did the Fintera Group, a Mintos* related Group.

Orange Sky Finance
Financial Services | Riga, Rigas
Fast growing fintech company based in Europe but operating mainly in the region of Southern Africa.

Also with the same address move is Smart Finance Holding AS, a Latvian company, officially the owner of Cash On Go (Peachy) as seen on the Cash On Go Financial Statements page 30:

The ultimate parent company is AS Smart Finance Holding (former SIA Smart Finance Holding) a company registered in Latvia.

FCA - Cash on Go (Peachy): https://register.fca.org.uk/ShPo_FirmDetailsPage?id=001b000000khgLmAAI
Orange Sky Finance - https://orangesky.finance/
Orange Sky Finance - https://www.linkedin.com/company/orangeskyfinance/about/
Cash on Go (Peachy) - Financial Statements: https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/mintos-prod-public-files/ACC887B2-FB8C-657A-EF73-D187892B640E.pdf
Lursoft: https://www.lursoft.lv/?l=en

Asset Allocation - https://financialawarenessforall.wordpress.com/
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Anmeldedatum: 20.05.2018
Beiträge: 1001

BeitragVerfasst am: 08.11.2019, 01:25    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

Rick, wow, amazing work and dedication here. You must like solving puzzles and disentangling webs of associations. Please continue. You also acknowledge that risk assessment for a group is very hard because of multiple different possibilites, and I am wondering whether your gut feeling is more towards increased or unchanged overall risk. Also, can we add all LO that are supposedly independent to the list in the beginning? That would help to assess the independent parties. Thank you a lot for this thread, it could indeed be part of a blog article, it would generate certainly a lot of impact.
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Anmeldedatum: 02.11.2016
Beiträge: 1486

BeitragVerfasst am: 08.11.2019, 09:20    Titel: Re: Mintos related Loan Originators(Verbind. zwischen Anbahn Antworten mit Zitat

Rick Lusitano hat Folgendes geschrieben:
How could we be certain that Mintos* didn't paid also for some Mintos-related LO? Could some of these Mintos* related-LO has been in troubles, and Mintos* cover it up?

I don´t think the big issue is that Mintos* sends the platform business into administration to rescue dependent LOs (Mintos is the market leader and makes good risk-free money, why risking that irreplaceable cash-cow for an easily replaceable LO? After all, p2p-LOs don´t operate with a lot of equity, if any at all...). I think the bigger problem with this structure is that Mintos* could easily get cheap finance for it´s own (hidden) LOs with weak balance sheets (for example via I&A). It´s like venture capital, except that Mintos* doesn´t bear the risk: If the venture is successfull, Mintos* has another profitable LO daughter, if not the failure isn´t connected to Mintos* name because nobody knew there was a connection...
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